30 - 31 July 2021
Telling Tales: The Stories We Make and the Stories That Make Us (symposium with workshops)

The Centre for Artistic Research (CFAR) of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and our University Partner, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) proudly welcome you to a virtual extravaganza showcasing the Arts and Cultures of Storytelling.

Telling Tales: The Stories We Make and the Stories that Make Us Virtual Platform 30th July and 31st July 2021
说故事:那些我们制作的故事以及那些塑造我们的故事 虚拟平台 2021年7月31日以及7月31日

Come join us on this virtual hybrid webinar event featuring local and international talents sharing their professional experiences, processes and techniques in the art of storytelling. Gain invaluable insight on the practice of this creative craft presented across diverse media, inspired by various cultures and explore their impact on both the audience and the creators. For updated information and registration details regarding “Telling Tales: The Stories We Make and the Stories that Make Us”, please visit our official Facebook page at:
请来参与我们的虚拟混合式线上活动,让本地与国际专才分享他们在说故事艺术的专业经验、过程以及技巧。从他们在跨媒体所呈现的说故事艺术经验里,获取无价的行家看法;他们的灵感出自不同的文化,感受他们对受众以及创作人的感染力。 有关“说故事:那些我们制作的故事以及那些塑造我们的故事”的最新资讯以及报名细节,请浏览我们的面子书网页

Featuring Talks, Workshops and Presentations by the following panelists:

DAY 1: Telling Tales 2021 (Friday 30 July 2021, 8:30 am – 6:30 pm) Register here:
第一天:故事叙述 2021 (2021年7月30 日,星期五,上午8点30分至6点30分) 注冊处:
Tutu Dutta Children &Young Adult Fiction Author "Adapting Traditional Folktales to Create Your Own Stories"
Tutu Dutta 儿童以及少年小说作家 “改编传统民间故事,创造你自己的故事”

Professor Huang Ya-Ling (黃雅玲 老師)
Deputy Director of International Affairs National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech)
黃雅玲 教授

With Grad Students:
同席学生: 徐靖雯/ Xu, Jing-Win
鄭宇蓁/ Cheng, Yu-Chen
黃冠瑛/ Huang, Guan-Ying
謝郡倫/ SIE, Jyun-Lun

"One Exhibition, One Story." “一个展览,一个故事”

Irwan Junaidy
Director of R&D Studios
"Local Content for a Global Audience"
Irwan Junaidy
Studios 研发总监

Prof. Dr. Joyce C.H. Liu (劉紀蕙)
Chair Professor, Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Director, International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Director, International Institute for Cultural Studies, International Program for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan.

"Storytelling as Artistic Intervention and Cultural Critique: Engaging with Decoloniality in the Inter-Asian Contexts."
亚洲文化研究国际计划硕士学位学程(台湾联合大学系统) 主任

Chong Keat Aun
Award Winning Film Director
[An Auteur's Practice: From Folktales Collection to Film Art]
This talk will be presented in Mandarin with English translations by a Moderator.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Sy-Yi Tzeng (曾絲宜 博士)
Dept. of Graphic Communication & Digital Publishing
Shih Hsin University, Taiwan
Curator of Social and Digital Publishing spaces including Taiwan CV and ART x STEM
"Artists' Transdisciplinary Cooperation: How Artists Cooperate with Professionals in Different Fields."
社会与出版平台主持人,包括台湾文创小旅行、ARR x STEM

Azlan Tahir & Adely Ariffin
Co-founders, Unity Macroverse
"Why UNITY Macroverse : The Need for Social Commentary in Malaysian Popular Culture"

Azlan Tahir & Adely Ariffin
联合创办人, Unity Macroverse
“为何是Unity Macroverse:马来西亚流行文化需要社会的评论”


DAY 2: Telling Tales 2021 (Saturday 31 July 2021, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm)
Register here:
第二天:故事叙述 2021 (2021年7月31 日,星期六,上午9点30分至5点30分)

Eugene Foo
Lecturer, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
"Character Design Workshop : Visualizing the Heroes of Your Stories."
Eugene Foo
拉曼大学(UTAR)创意工业学院 (FCI)
讲师 “角色创造工作坊:影像化你故事中的英雄”

Tintoy Chuo
Character Designer & Illustrator
Founder-Creative Dir. of Action Tintoy Design Laboratory.
“Reviving the Shadow Puppet - Fusion Wayang Kulit.”
Tintoy Chuo
Action Tintoy Design Laboratory创办人兼创意总监 “复兴皮影戏-皮影戏的融合”

Hafez Zainuddin,
Lecturer, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
“Narrating the Memories of Place: A Virtual Reconstruction Project of the Historical Town of Kajang.”
Hafez Zainuddin,
拉曼大学(UTAR)创意工业学院 (FCI)
讲师 “述说一个地方的回忆:历史之城-加影的影像重塑计划”
Anthony Miranti
Lecturer, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
"Conversations with the Past: Fun Ways to Use Sound to Conserve and Expand Cultural Influence."
Anthony Miranti
拉曼大学(UTAR)创意工业学院 (FCI)
讲师 “跟从前对话:利用声音保存以及扩展文化影响力的有趣方法”

Zamzuriah Zahari
Dean of Faculty of Dance,
ASWARA Lecturer, ASWARA and University of Malaya Dancer,
Choreographer, Actress and Singer
"Konsep Storyteller Dalam Kesenian Melayu (Wayang Kulit/Selampit & Saba)"
The Concept of the Storyteller in Malay Arts (Wayang Kulit / Selampit & Saba)

This talk will be presented in bilingual format (Bahasa Malaysia and English) with a Moderator.

Zamzuriah Zahari
马来艺术中的说故事概念(Wayang Kulit / Selampit & Saba) (此演讲是以双语呈现 - 马来语和英语)

Sandra S. K. Khoo
Director & Animation Artist
Visual Journal Artist
"A Storyteller's Journey with Sandra Khoo: A Malaysian Artist Abroad."
Sandra S. K. Khoo
导演、动画师 视觉笔记工作者
“Sandra Khoo与你一起走入说故事者的历程:在国外的马来西亚艺术工作者”
18 November 2021
Blockchain & NFT 101: Into the Rabbit Hole by Harith Kamarul (online talk)

Harith Kamarul handles Product & Community at Etherscan, the leading block explorer for Ethereum. Ethereum is an open-source, permissionless blockchain powering thousands of decentralized applications. Harith has also been organizing Ethereum Malaysia, a community meetup exploring the technology and related use cases, since 2018. His prior experience includes positions at HelloGold, Great Eastern Life, and BFM 89.9

19 January 2022
WTF NFT 101: Stuck in the Rabbit Hole by I-Van Yee (online talk)