123 July 2021Invited Talk by Dr. Chin Ji Jian on Identification Schemes without Certificates: Theory and Practice

Date/Time:23-07-2021 / 02:30 pm - 04:00 pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Visitor’s/speaker’s name: Dr. Chin Ji Jian   
Visitor’s/speaker’s affiliation:Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) AR4006, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia 63100, Cyberjaya, Selangor
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This event was organized by Centre of Cyber Security (CCS) to provide more research exposure on the theory and practice of certificateless identification schemes. The talk started at 2.30pm with the welcoming speech given by Ms. Wong Kuan Wai, and followed by a short introduction of Dr. Chin Ji Jian. The topics covered in this talk mainly related to zero-knowledge protocols, Fiat-Shamir transform technique, Kurosawa-Heng’s technique, identity-based identification, identity-based signatures and other variants such as certificateless identification, security mediated identification and hierarchical identity-based identification. In this talk, we look at the evolution of identification schemes and the various variants derived from it from both the theoretical and practical aspects. We pay particular attention to identification schemes that do not require public key certificates, and delve into the difficulties in proofing techniques, implementations and various open problems. Additionally, a Q&A session was conducted to enable the sharing of idea and information between the academicians and industrial experts to further fortify the possible research collaboration between the universities and industries. The talk ended at 4.00 pm.

26 August 2021Invited Talk by Dr. Ang Miin Huey on Post Quantum Cryptography: Code-Based Cryptosystem (McEliece Cryptosystem)

Date/Time:06-08-2021 / 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams   
Visitor’s/speaker’s name    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ang Miin Huey   
Visitor’s/speaker’s affiliation    Associate Professor School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia.    
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This event was organized by Centre of Cyber Security (CCS) to provide more research exposure on the topics of Post Quantum Cryptography, especially on the McEliece Cryptosystem as one of the examples of a Code-Based Cryptosystem. The talk started at 2.00 pm with a welcoming speech given by Dr. Denis Wong Chee Keong, and followed by a short introduction of Dr. Ang Miin Huey. In this talk, we look at the evolution of cryptosystems as well as the theoretical background of the cryptosystem. Classical cryptography including Public Key Cryptography (Asymmetric Cryptography) and Hybrid Cryptography (Private + Public Key Cryptography), relies on the high computational difficulty of factorizing large number to provide the security of a system. However, a functioning processor of a quantum computer is capable of threatening all current popular PKCs due to its one-way functions which are no longer one way under quantum computing. With the emergence of post-quantum cryptograph, there are PKCs implemented using hard mathematical problems that are found to be quantum resistant such as the McEliece code-based cryptosystem. The speaker clearly explained the application of Theory of Error Correcting Codes in the development of McEliece Public Key Cryptosystem. Furthermore, the pros and cons of the design were discussed. Additionally, a Q&A session was conducted to enable the sharing of idea and information between the academicians and industrial experts to further fortify the possible research collaboration between the universities and industries. The talk ended at 3.00 pm.

312 August 2021Invited Talk by Puan Moesfa Soeheila Mohamad on Trends in Cryptography from ISO Standards

Date/Time:12-08-2021 / 15:00 pm - 16:00 pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Visitor’s/speaker’s name: Puan Moesfa Soeheila Mohamad
Visitor’s/speaker’s affiliation: Researcher, MIMOS   
Number of participants: 48

This event was organized by Centre of Cyber Security (CCS) to provide more research exposure on the introduction of Cryptography from ISO Standards. The talk started at 3.00 pm with a welcoming speech given by Dr. Denis Wong Chee Keong, and followed by a short introduction of Puan Moesfa Soeheila Mohamad. In this talk, we look at the different cryptographic goals and the application of cryptography tools in real word scenarios. ISO develops standards for industries and includes information security standards. Among the information security standards are standards on cryptography. This talk briefly explained the various types of cryptographic schemes that have been standardized, with the help of a detailed timeline. We will also see how the standardisation efforts follows the trends in ICT. Additionally, a Q&A session was conducted to enable the sharing of idea and information between the academicians and industrial experts to further fortify the possible research collaboration between the universities and industries. The talk ended at 4.00 pm.

4 26 August 2021Invited Talk by Dr. Lee Wai Kong on Harnessing Graphics Processors for High Speed Cryptography

Date/Time:26-08-2021 / 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm   
Venue: Microsoft Teams   
Visitor’s/speaker’s name:    Dr. Lee Wai Kong   
Visitor’s/speaker’s affiliation:    Post-doctoral researcher, Gachon University, South Korea    
Number of participants:41

This event was organized by Centre of Cyber Security (CCS) to provide more research exposure on the theory and development of a faster Graphics Processing Units (GPU) for graphics and video applications. The talk started at 2.00pm with the welcoming speech given by Dr. Denis Wong Chee Keong, and followed by a short introduction of Dr. Lee Wai Kong. The booming of blockchain technology invited many "miners" to develop efficient hashing software to perform high performance proof-of-work consensus (mining). GPU also accounted for the success of deep learning applications, wherein the massively parallel GPU architecture is turned into an efficient machine for neural networks training and inference. In this talk, an overview of the GPU architecture and programming model will be given, followed by some successful development of GPU-based implementation techniques for lattice-based cryptographic schemes. Additionally, a Q&A session was conducted to discuss some potential research directions of GPU-based cryptographic engineering, as well as enable the sharing of idea and information between the academicians and industrial experts to further fortify the possible research collaboration between the universities and industries. The talk ended at 4.00 pm.