1 11 - 13 Mar 2021 AI Week Webinar Series
11th to 13th March 2021
Microsoft Teams

The three webinars of URS AI Week Webinar Series were conducted over three days. The chairman and his committee worked hard preparation for the webinars started since January 2021. URS Webinar Series is organized by UTAR Robotic Society (URS) and the co-organizers includes the Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya and MMU.

The event started with the first webinar, “Aesthetics-driven Image Enhancement from Classic to Deep Vision” by Dr Wong Lai Kuan from IMU. Followed by “Our Future with AI” by Dr. Norisma Binti Idris from UM on the second day. The third and last event “Image Processing with OpenCV” by Dr Yu Yong Poh from AirAsia Digital was held at the last day. The chat was very active during all three webinars and a lot of questions were asked by the participants. All three speakers are satisfied with the outcome of the event too. The event ended with an epilogue by UTAR Robotics Society’s advisor, Mr. Danny Ng Wee Kiat.

All three webinars were held smoothly in Microsoft teams. Time management was excellent as all three webinars started and ended on schedule. According to the feedback form, all participants are satisfied with the webinars and some of the non-URS members gain interest to join the society next semester.

In conclusion, URS AI Week Webinar Series was a huge success as there were no issues during the span of the event. Every participant was satisfied with the event and are interested to join future events host by URS. All feedbacks received during the event were positive with some suggestions on how the event can improved in the future. The suggestions include the timing of the event as most students are busy during the middle of a semester and for more AI related webinars to be held in the future.

Photos taken during “Aesthetics-driven Image Enhancement from Classic to Deep Vision”

Photos taken during “Our Future with AI”

Photos taken during “Image Processing with OpenCV”

2 31 Mar 2021Adventures of the Automation World
31st March 2021

3 professionals from Greatech gave a webinar talk focused on automation. The talk was opened to all UTAR students from MH, ME, 3E, and MM courses. The talk was organised by DMBE and CAICA on the UTAR side, with direct support from Greatech.

The talk began at 10.30am as scheduled, and was held on Microsoft Teams, hosted by Greatech. Besides the UTAR contingent, students from other universities which Greatech works with were also present.

The speakers were clear in sharing their industrial experience, and they also discussed the practical experience of working within the automation industry, as well as their own experiences in Greatech as a place of work. The participants were appreciative of the sharing, and the talk was ended slightly early before 12.30pm after a Q&A session.

39 Aug 2021
Industry Advisory Series: Supercharge Your Career and be an AI Superstar
9th Aug 2021

This industry talk was conducted by Ms. Shuwaibatul, an Artificial Intelligence System Engineer at Skymind. After initial introductions and administrative matters by Dr. Ng as PIC, Ms. Shuwai shared her knowledge on AI techniques currently being used by industry, as well as Skymind’s own technology. Mid way through her presentation, she introduced all present to Skymind’s programme allowing talent in AI to compete and earn positions in the organisation. She concluded by summarising the job requirements for AI engineers in the modern job market. After the talk, there was a time for questions and answers from attendees.

The talk was well received by the students attending, and concluded at roughly 3.15pm. Below screenshots show some of the content covered by the speaker.