Consultancy and Commercialisation Report
1. Consultancy Report

This report presents the consultancy, commercialisation statistics for 1st January 2023 until 31st December 2023.

In the period 1st January 2023 until 31st December 2023, 917 applications were approved with an estimated value of RM2,588,526.34 as shown in Figure 1. Comparison on an estimated value for the same period of January to December 2022 and 2023 as shown in Figure 2. This involves 524 UTAR staff for 2023 as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1 - Total Estimated Value of Approved Consultancy/Outside Work for the Period 2008-2023

Figure 2 - Comparison Total Estimated Value for the Period of January - December

Figure 3 - Number of UTAR Staff Involved in Consultancy/Outside Work for the Period 2008-2023.

From the total of RM2,588,526.34, 74.07% is under the category of Personal Consultancy while 25.93% is under the category University Consultancy as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Approved Value by Consultancy Type for the Year 2023
Figure 5 - Approved Value and Number of Projects by Unit for Year 2023

Figure 5 shows the approved value by unit. Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science (LKC FES) has the largest share at 27.48% of the total approved amount.

This is followed by Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF) at 11.89% and Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT) at 8.51%. Figure 6 shows the percentage value of approved projects by categories. Consultancy constitutes 40% of all approved projects. This is followed by Training at 29% and Other at 27%.

Figure 6 - Percentage Share of Approved Consultancy/Outside Work by Category for Year 2023

The consultancy revenue is RM2,195,354.45 as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 8: Consultancy/Outside Work Apportionment Income for the Period 2008-2023
2. Commercialisation Activities

Up to December 2023, no patents were filed yet for the year. But have 2 patents filled by company (Crest). We are actively reviewing applications presented at the IPMC for potential patent to be filed for the year.

Up to December 2023, a total of 12 copyrights were filed with MYIPO. To date, 7 were granted, while 3 still pending approval at MYIPO.

Figure 9 shows the number of patents filed for the period 2008 to 2023. The current status for the 27 inventions is given in Table 1.

Figure 9: Number of Inventions Disclosed, Filed and Granted for the Period 2008-2023 at MyIPO
Table 1: Patent Application Status at MyIPO

Besides Malaysia, UTAR has also filed for foreign patent application. The status is given in Table 2.

Filed Pending Abandoned Granted
Bangladesh11 0 0
China3 0 21
Hong Kong1 1 0
Indonesia5 4 1
Taiwan1 01 0
USA3 1 2 0
Table 2: Foreign Country Patent Applications
Figure 10 - Number of Inventions Disclosed, Filed and Granted for the Period 2017-2023 at MyIPO

Pending 3
Table 3: Copyright Application Status at MyIPO

3. Prospect for the year 2024

Staff consultancy activities continued to be active for the first half of 2024. More companies/industries are seeking UTAR professionals to help support their business, provide trainings to their staffs and also solve their industrial problems. We are expecting similar active engagements on staff consultancies for the 1st half of 2024. 

DCC conducted several trainings to get staffs familiarised with the online system for consultancy applications and claims to speed up the process, instead of manual paper-works. DCC team has also been actively involved in supporting staffs who want to engage and obtain projects from government, government agencies and local councils throughout the year.