V11000 - Salary and Wages

Project Research Assistant (PRA) Objectives
  1. To provide researchers of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) a platform to source research assistants in research work.
  2. To provide opportunity for students to be involved and assist in research projects and thus enhancing their exposure and experience in research.
  1. The appointment of Project Research Assistantship is on temporary / part time status.
  2. A Project Research Assistant (PRA) is normally a postgraduate student registered with UTAR.
  1. Salary recommendation as per Funding Body's Guidelines
  2. Amount deducted from grant = Basic Salary + employer's (EPF + Socso + EIS)
  3. Termination: 2 weeks notice (initiated by PI or PRA)
Guidelines for Project Research Assistant (PRA) 
Application Procedure for Project Research Assistant (PRA)

Project Research Assistant (PRA) online application form
Project Research Assistant (PRA) termination form

 Note: For further information, please refer to person in charge in IPSR
Research Scholar Scheme (RSS) Objectives
  1. To provide researchers of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) a platform to source students’ assistance in research work. 
  2. To provide opportunity for students to be involved and assist in research projects and thus enhancing their exposure and experience in research. 
The RSS holder funded under UTARRF or R&D grant from external agency/institution/organisation must be a full-time UTAR postgraduate student (by research), and their thesis/dissertation must be related to the project. 

  1. Stipend payment maximum of RM2,500.00 (Master Student) or maximum of RM3,300.00 (PhD Student). However, the stipend amount to be approved is subjected to the allocation in the research project or as per Funding Body's Guidelines
  2. Termination: 2 weeks notice (initiated by PI or RSS)

Note: For further information, please refer to person in charge in IPSR
Student Assistantship (SA) Objective
  1. To provide researchers of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) a platform to source students’ assistance in research work. 
  2. To provide opportunity for students to be involved and assist in research projects and thus enhancing their exposure and experience in research 
The Student Assistantship is open to students of UTAR and other institutions of higher learning.

Applicable to students of UTAR and other institutions of higher learning
  1. Undergraduate Student RM7.00 per hour (max 15 hours/week) 
  2. Postgraduate student RM 9.50 per hour (max 30 hours/week)
Student Assistantship (SA) Claim Form
Note: For further information, please refer to person in charge in IPSR